Our Team

Our team combines expertise, passion and the courage to break new ground. We have different backgrounds and experiences, but one thing unites us: the conviction that successful companies benefit from strong, diverse teams. Together, we are committed to fostering talent, developing innovative solutions and actively shaping the future of HR management.


Yes! We have our values hanging on the walls of our offices in DIN-A2 format. However, their origin and meaning lie somewhere else entirely: in many creative sessions and discussions, together with the entire CareerTeam Group team, we defined what we stand for and what we want to live in the future. We are very proud of the result:

Why me

Wirklich gute Kandidaten überzeugt nur, wer auch einen echten Mehrwert bietet – sowie ehrliche Wertschätzung transportiert. Das heißt konkret:

  • „No SPAM!“: Keine unpersönlichen Massen-Anschreiben, dafür passende, auf individuelle Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen abgestimmte Jobangebote.
  • „No HR-Blabla“: Information first! „Spannende Vakanzen“ bleiben oft für immer unbesetzt, weil sich darunter niemand etwas vorstellen kann - und will.
  • „No Bullshit-Bingo“: Recruiter müssen verstehen, was einen Job aus Entwickler-Sicht spannend macht – und das auch transportieren können. Was uns dabei hilft? Wir coden selbst!

The Q-Factor

Kein CV-Verschiebe, keine Zeitfresser: alphacoders verschickt nicht dutzende CVs, und schon gar nicht ungefragt. Stattdessen nehmen wir uns die Zeit, zu verstehen, wer wirklich zu einem Unternehmen und einer Stelle passt – und rekrutieren dann, exklusiv für unsere Partner, die richtigen Kandidaten für den Job. Das dauert zwar ein paar Tage länger, funktioniert aber. Und die Kandidaten sind dann sogar verfügbar und freuen sich auf einen neuen Job.

Human Resources

Erfolgreiches Recruiting setzt vor allem zweierlei voraus: Fleiß und Knowhow. Wir warten nicht, bis uns geeignete Kandidaten über den Weg laufen, sondern setzen alle Hebel in Bewegung, um eine Stelle so schnell wie möglich zu besetzen. Der wichtigste Hebel dabei: Unsere Teams! Jeder Suchauftrag wird von einem sechsköpfigen Team betreut, das nicht nur genau weiß, wo die richtigen Leute zu finden sind, sondern von Anfang an auch die richtigen Fragen stellt.

Digital First

Wie unsere Kandidaten sind auch wir davon überzeugt, dass gute Software und intelligente Datenanalysen jedes Unternehmen besser machen. Darum haben wir unseren kompletten Recruiting-Prozess digitalisiert und somit die Voraussetzungen dafür geschaffen, unsere Prozesse kontinuierlich optimieren zu können.


Better together

We work with a high level of team spirit and a friendly atmosphere. We support each other and work in unison, as team members and as friends: because we are more successful together and have more fun at work.


Shaped by individuals

At our company, everyone contributes to the company's success through their personality and commitment. We are open to individual ideas and suggestions for change, regardless of position and hierarchy.


Failure Feedback forward

We too make mistakes! However, we don't consider these as failures, but as opportunities to learn from them and to develop further. Our positive failure culture as well as mutual feedback lay the foundation for innovation and progress within our group.


Ambition meets quality

Our biggest challenge is our demand on ourselves. We avoid competing with each other and prefer to challenge ourselves. Our task is to achieve the best for our customers and candidates.


Better than yesterday

We challenge the status quo and actively drive innovation. To do this, we leverage opportunities in the digital world and make data-based decisions.

What our candidates say

"My idea was to become a freelancer, but alphacoders was able to offer me a permanent job in an exciting startup. Thank you!"
"I would / will definitely recommend alphacoders to others, regardless of the successful placement, as I always felt that I was the center of attention. Their guidance was exemplary at every stage. I can only say THANK YOU."
Memet, System Administrator (Linux)
"Even if the job didn't end up being it, I always had a designated contact person at alphacoders and felt super taken care of!"
Sebastian, Lead Full Stack Developer
"My first job in Germany was possible with the help of 'alphacoders'. I will never forget how honest, friendly and hardworking the recruiters were, namely Nils and Henrike."
Mohammad, Web-Programmierer
"The colleague from alphacoders was able to answer all my important questions about the tech stack and the working method at the job, I never had that before!"
Disclaimer: In order to protect the confidentiality and privacy of our candidates, we have only used first names or initials.


How can we support you best? Do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation. We are looking forward to an exchange with you.

Are you looking for new employees?

Johannes Liebnau

Managing Director

Are you looking for a new job?

Looking for your next job?
Register in our candidate portal and our recruiters will contact you or browse our job portal.
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