August 13, 2024

Recruiting Web3 – Blockchain, upskilling and German hotspots

Web3 talent is rare in Germany. In this article, we talk about upskilling and the active regions and technology hubs in this country.
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Once again, today we are talking about a specialised discipline in the field of software development - Web3 and blockchain development. Similar to SAP (see last article), talent or developers in general are rare in Germany. Here, too, we are talking about upskilling and the active regions and technology hubs in this country.

Although the hype surrounding Web3, Metaverse, NFTs and the like has died down a little, these technologies are still being diligently built in the background. Especially in the financial sector (see Fig. 1). But also in other areas. Only recently, in April 2024, Samsung founded a Web3 partner network with companies from the metaverse, gaming, NFTs, marketplaces, blockchain and art sectors. And in March, well-known companies such as Bosch, Samsung, Coinbase, Bertelsmann, Continental and Porsche also met in the blockchain hotspot Berlin for the hy Web3 Summit 2024. However, the human capital available in this area is still very limited - which is why, as in the last article, we are first looking at the potential for upskilling in the area of Web3 and blockchain.

(Fig. 1: Areas of blockchain implementation, Hanseatic Blockchain Institute)

How long does upskilling take for Web3 developers?

Let's jump straight into upskilling this time - we've again picked out typical positions.

As always, the time periods are guidelines and can vary depending on individual learning speed, previous experience and available resources. Continuous learning and practical implementation are crucial to ensure that this knowledge is permanently anchored.

Blockchain Core Developer

Time frame: 1-2 years  

Prerequisites: Strong programming skills (e.g. C++, Go, Rust), knowledge of distributed systems and cryptography.  

Learning path:

  • Basic training: 3-6 months (basics of blockchain, consensus algorithms).
  • Advanced training and practice: 6-12 months (for advanced topics in blockchain architectures, optimisation techniques).
  • Project work and community engagement: 6-12 months (collaboration on blockchain projects, involvement in blockchain developer communities).

Smart Contract Developer

Time frame: 6 months 1 year  

Prerequisites: Basic programming skills (e.g. JavaScript), understanding of blockchain principles.  

Learning path:

  • Basic training: 2-3 months (learning Solidity, Vyper).
  • Advanced training and practice: 3-6 months (writing and deploying smart contracts, security best practices).

DApp (Decentralized Application) Developer

Time frame: 6 months - 1 year  

Requirements: Full-stack development skills (e.g. JavaScript, React, Node.js).  

Learning path:

  • Basic training: 3-6 months (front-end and back-end development for DApps).
  • Advanced training and practice: 3-6 months (integration of blockchain in front-end applications, using Web3.js or Ethers.js).
  • Project work and community engagement: participation in DApp projects, participation in hackathons.

Blockchain DevOps

Time frame: 6 months - 1 year  

Requirements: DevOps experience (e.g. Docker, Kubernetes), understanding of blockchain networks.  

Learning path:

  • Basic training: 3-6 months (setting up and managing blockchain nodes, network configuration).
  • Advanced training and practice: 3-6 months (continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) for blockchain applications, monitoring and maintenance).

Full-Stack Blockchain Developer

Time frame: 1-2 years  

Requirements: Knowledge of frontend and backend development (e.g. JavaScript, Node.js).  

Learning path:

  • Basic training: 6-12 months (basics of full-stack development).
  • Advanced training and practice: 6-12 months (integration of blockchain technology in web applications, management of APIs).
  • Project work and community engagement: Building and contributing to full-stack blockchain projects.

Blockchain Security Engineer

Time frame: 1-2 years  

Requirements: Experience in cybersecurity, understanding of blockchain security challenges.  

Learning Path:

  • Basic training: 6-12 months (learning about general blockchain vulnerabilities and security practices).
  • Advanced training and practice: 6-12 months (conducting security audits, implementing security measures).
  • Preparation for certification: Additional 1-2 months (if you are aiming for a certification such as Certified Blockchain Security Professional (CBSP)).

As you can see, upskilling in the Web3 area definitely takes longer than for SAP developers. The reason for this is that blockchain is a completely new technology. Nevertheless, we want to show you how much time it takes if you can muster these resources. In general, programming languages such as JavaScript, Go, Rust and C++ provide a solid foundation for getting started in blockchain development or learning specific languages such as Solidity.

Touchpoints with the Web3 community in Germany

Next, let's take a look at where you as a company can best get started in Germany. There are several technology hubs and regions in Germany with a strong blockchain community. The following four cities are the most well represented - they offer a good starting point to find out whether there are active organisations and people in your region.


As the capital and one of the leading technology hubs in Europe, Berlin is an important location for Web3 developers. Berlin is also known as one of the leading blockchain hubs and is home to a vibrant community. It hosts numerous events such as Berlin Blockchain Week, Web3 Summit, ETHBerlin and various meetups and hackathons. The city has a rich history in blockchain development and is home to institutions such as Cluster IKT, Medien und Kreativwirtschaft and startups such as BerChain, IOTA Foundation, Ocean Protocol or Gnosis.


This hub is known for its fintech and cybersecurity initiatives and plays an important role in the integration of blockchain into the financial sector. Financial institutions such as Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank are actively involved in blockchain projects.


Munich has a strong technology base and is home to many companies and research institutions that research and apply blockchain technologies. These include research institutions such as the Fraunhofer Blockchain Lab and the Technical University of Munich (TUM). The university also organises its own blockchain event: TUM Blockchain Conference.


Hamburg is also increasingly becoming an important location for blockchain start-ups, particularly in the logistics and media sector (NOAH Conference). In the logistics sector, IBM Blockchain operates in cooperation with Maersk. It is also home to the Hanseatic Blockchain Institute, which has just published a report on the status of blockchain adoption in the German economy in 2024.

These hubs offer you a variety of opportunities for networking and getting to know potential web3 and blockchain talent. At this point, we would also like to mention the Digital Hub Initiative. The initiative connects SMEs and large companies in Germany with new innovation partners from science and the start-up scene.


Upskilling takes time, but given the current situation, it is a real alternative and opportunity to gain a long-term foothold in the Web3 sector. And with your participation in these networks and communities, you are not only more likely to find suitable Web3 developers, but you are also signalling your commitment to this area – and that is attractive for new developers. We write about building a community of passionate and committed employees here. The following two articles will also help you to use events and meetups for recruiting and really attract talent as a company.

IT Recruiting – How to use events, meetups, trade fairs and podcasts for hiring

IT recruiting – How do I find the right IT specialists?

You want to save yourself the time and effort? As IT recruiters, we at alphacoders know our way around the networks and communities of the IT and web3 industry. Contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation - we look forward to exchanging ideas with you.

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