June 8, 2023

State of the Art Recruiting with ChatGPT - The Top 5 Current Methods

It's been 3 months since we last talked about ChatGPT here. So we took a look at what has happened in the last month and what the top 5 current recruiting application areas are.
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Let's talk about ChatGPT again in this article.

It's been over 3 months, which is an eternity in the world of AI, because every day more AI tools see the light of day - and this despite the fact that Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX), Steve Wozniak (Apple) and other leaders of the tech industry have signed a petition to stop further AI developments from the end of March 2023.

A major reason for this was the release of GPT-4 within ChatGPT on 14 March 2023. And yes, that was a huge step. GPT-3 was trained with 175 billion parameters, and rumour has it that GPT-4 could handle 100 trillion, some say even 170 trillion parameters – although OpenAI CEO Sam Altman publicly denied this in advance:

Until today, OpenAI has refused to reveal the number of parameters used in GPT-4. Well, we thought, let's ask ChatGPT ourselves – after a few attempts we got an answer:

345 billion parameters, alright ... well, is that true? Or was it just a hallucination in the end, as we know it from the chatbot? Because ChatGPT is trained to ALWAYS give an answer - even if it doesn't have one. Anyway, in the end, it's what you can do with it that matters, right? So today we're taking another look at ChatGPT's capabilities when it comes to tech recruiting ... we've broken it down to our top 5 things you can use right now:

  1. Job description (plus metatext and title)
  2. Communication (email templates, cold emails)
  3. Qualitative interviews (interview questions)
  4. Onboarding plan
  5. Career page 

Before we dive in, let's first remind ourselves of our mental image of ChatGPT:

ChatGPT is great help, but not a complete replacement in approaching and attracting talent. As we already described in our first ChatGPT article, you can think of the chatbot as an eager assistant who helps out a lot, but has just as much to learn. This one is great for drawing a sketch, which you then refine and colour in with bold colours, a.k.a. emotions. Got it? Let's go!

Job description

Even though job ads are rarely read, they need to be on point. Especially if you're targeting someone as a talent and they can't avoid reading that description. AI models like ChatGPT are good at generating text based on given information. Job descriptions are no exception.

With ChatGPT you can create a clear, concise and attractive job description. All you have to do is enter the core of the position, the main tasks and the desired qualifications.

Prompt approach (+ provide details):

Create a job description for a software developer who has experience in Python and Java, has a good knowledge of cloud technologies and is a team player.

That's your outline. As you learned in our previous article "Why your job description is doomed", you now remove all the empty phrases and empty words, weave in your company culture, have future employees describe what they want to achieve as a team and add a salary range.

Do the same for the meta text and the title. GPT-4 can generate texts tailored to the target group - especially for the titles, you can quickly generate a number of exciting headlines. Basically, it's pretty easy to stand out from the same old headlines, a little tweak is all it takes.


Communication is not only the be-all and end-all in recruiting - but in every interpersonal relationship. We all know this, but forget it more often than we would like. With ChatGPT you can create customised email templates. You simply enter the occasion, the tone and the most important aspects. Don't forget to gender it!

Prompt approach (+ provide details):

Create a friendly but professional email template to invite a candidate for a first interview.

Stop sending stilted standard emails and create individual messages that really speak to your candidates - again, remove phrases and wordiness and get specific. With ChatGPT you can create personalised email templates for your candidates, which can be especially helpful for sending cold emails. By analysing previous communications and taking into account your company's style, ChatGPT can generate emails that are not only tailored to each candidate, but also promote your company's brand message and, most importantly, your company culture (we can't say it enough).

Job interviews

This is where ChatGPT is at its best - you want to ask more in-depth questions that provide really relevant information? By analysing information about the role, the company and the candidate, ChatGPT can create really good interview questions. These questions are not only relevant to the position, but are also designed to find out about the candidate's personality, skills and experience.

Prompt approach (+ provide details):

Create a list of interview questions for a software developer with a focus on Python and cloud technologies that assess both their technical skills and their ability to work in a team.

By asking these questions, you'll be scoring points with potential talent, as they'll really feel understood. Pro-tip: Include 1-2 of these questions in your pre-interview communication.


With ChatGPT, you can design an onboarding plan that balances the needs of new employees with the expectations of the company. After all, the new employees' first days are crucial for the success of their career in the company. ChatGPT can help by generating a personalised onboarding plan. It can do this by combining data from a variety of sources - from role expectations to employee preferences. All you need to do is provide the basic information about the role and the new employee(s).

Prompt approach (+ provide details):

Create an onboarding plan for an IT-Administrator to get to know the company, the culture and the specific tasks of the position in the first 30 days.

Careers page

What applies to the job description also applies to the career page. It is rarely read, but it still has to be to the point. This page is still the flagship of your company for potential applicants. Working with ChatGPT, you can create engaging, memorable copy for your careers page. It should highlight the core values, benefits and culture, yes, you know that by now, especially the culture of your company. It's also less about making the perfect impression and more about whether you are an authentic company where people enjoy coming together to work. Not only that, but GPT-4 can also enhance the user experience on the site, for example by generating interactive FAQs or creating dynamic content tailored to the interests and needs of the visitor. This turns your career site into a real recruiting tool!

Prompt approach (+ provide details):

Create an inviting text for our career page that presents our company as innovative, employee-oriented and sustainable.

Give it a try and let us know where ChatGPT helps you best. And don't forget that for all its usefulness, ChatGPT is just a tool - an AI based on algorithms with little or no feeling or understanding of human experience. It gives you a structured, data-based sketch - a canvas that needs to be brought to life through human input, experience and intuition. Have fun!

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